Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pictures From South Bend and Chicago

Sam has a new friend named Brandon. Brandon is about 2'4" 20 lbs and a very good stander.

Brandon shared his toys with Sam and generally made it easier for her when we left to go to the game.

Here we were (w/Brandon's mom Kara) before leaving that morning. Surely an Irish victory would await us!

Apparently not... my ND stadium record falls to a woeful 0-3, including the last two losses to Air Force.

Luckily for us, there is a bar right across the way, where Jeff and I express our feelings on the game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that your drunk face on in the last photo? Dude, you are irritating as hell when you're drunk. Actually, you and I are a lot alike when drunk; if everyone else is drunk too, we are the funniest people around. If others are sober, we are annoying as hell and way too loud...