Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Video!

I have shockingly little quality video from the weekend. Here is what I was able to put together. I have a little more footage that will appear at a later date.

*** UPDATE ***
The baby video will be a touch late. Look for it on Thursday!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Pictures!

A couple of notes about the pictures:
  1. Pictures of the UN babies together are intentionally absent.  Stay tuned for those beauties early next week.
  2. The PJ picture with all of the ladies is the least bad of everyone - do not post complaints. 
  3. Note to Matt: While you may have won Sam's heart, if your hat does not meet Bubs & Chubs standards of team appropriateness, the offensive portion will be airbrushed right out.  Go Irish!
  4. As the picture with uncle Jeff shows, only a wide angle lens will accommodate those two noggins in the same picture. 
  5. As the evidence shows,  someone should have gotten me coffee or a revitalizing face mask in my stocking.
  6. Aunt Megan's breath must have been something special on Christmas morning judging by Sam's faces.
  7. Favorite present as of Christmas morning would have to be a tie between the riding lion (huh?) and the RF Wagon (which I think made Jeff jealous).  Favorite present as of her 18th birthday will probably be the MCD stock.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thank You for Your Patience!

Stay tuned for the following updates:

Friday - Pictures, including the debut of beautiful Aunt Monica in her first (and hopefully not last) full family holiday.

Sunday - Weekend video summary.

Monday - Special Video Surprise!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

He's Making a List

And the first thing on that list should be some Crest Whitestrips. Sweet Mercy, check out the Biloxi Mall Santa.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Crouching Sammy, Hidden Poopie

The CDC received a call from at least one panicked neighbor this morning. As it turned out, Sam was merely processing last night's rotisserie chicken. Afterwards, she was all smiles.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sam's First Christmas Present

Watch as Sam opens her first gift... she is now worth more than her Aunt Lizzie and Aunt Megan COMBINED!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday, December 9, 2007

She Does Her Own Stunts...

... and nude scenes. Here is Sam airing out the boo-tay during a recent bout with diaper rash. And taking one of her last spins in the exersaucer, which will be retired this week due to lack of interest.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Important Update

In the event any of you Santas out there were thinking of buying Sam clothes, a recent growth spurt has put her in the 18-24 month size range. Her 18-month clothes are slowly getting tighter, and will not last much longer.

Despite her "I Pitched a Fit" Pooh sticker, Sam was a model patient upon receiving her second flu shot this afternoon. When we arrived home for her nap, she seemed none the worse for wear (whatever that means).

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Lardy Tardy, We Likes to Pardy

It's been two days since the last update! Gimme a break here, people, I'm working on it!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Kid Feet

Sam is just 9 months old, but the past 3 months have flown by. (And I know it is proper grammar to spell out the words of numbers less than ten, thank you). I've noticed parts of Sam that have become less babyish and more little girlish... and the most obvious is her feet. To be sure, Sam is not crawling, nor does she have but two (see?) teeth. She is growing up nonetheless.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do Your Jeans Hang Low?

What do David Beckham, Anna Nicole Smith, and Sam Queen all have in common? A potentially large denim endorsement contract! Sam personifies casual (if slightly bowlegged) elegance in these generic jeans... imagine what she could do with a name brand!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sam's First Thanksgiving

Sam, like her father, loved her first Thanksgiving dinner - turkey, cornbread dressing (stuffing, actually, though it was neither stuffed nor did it dress anything), and green beans. Turns out her eating strike wasn't because of her teeth, but because she was just fed up with baby food.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Peace Out!

See you after Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Playground Video

This one has Wonder Years written all over it. Kind of makes me sad.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Baseballs and Swings

We went to the park for the first time this weekend and Sam seemed to like it. I'll have some video up later this week about it, but here are some pictures. The video is of Sam and I rolling a ball back and forth. Our first catch!