Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Going on Hiatus

Sam had her six month appointment this morning.

18 lb, 4 oz

I was surprised she didn't weight more.

Bubs and Chubs are heading to Atlanta via Montgomery this weekend (we're bringing Jeff, too). As such, you will not be spoiled with near-daily updates until Monday or Tuesday. Suck it up! I'll have more pics/updates when we return. Heaven forbid this child live 24 straight undocumented hours.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sam's Custom Art!

Continuing the Things The Second Child Won't Get theme, Sam has her very own piece of custom art. Jeff came up with the idea and commissioned fine artist Susan Templin, a contractor at Keesler, for this gorgeous painting. We love it - and judging from her smiles, Sam does too! Thanks Susan!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weekend Pictures

Sam's hair is so yella, I'm fixin' to rename the blog "Blondie and Blimpie" y'all!

(Lizzie that's for you).

Friday, August 24, 2007

Bubs In Action: Sitting for Playtime

Sam has extended, Boppy-assisted playtime while sitting up.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sammy Speaks!

It's true! Aunt Megan was kind enough to give Sammers a gift she is finally able to wear. When I approached Sam with the gift (shown below), the following conversation took place:

Chubs: Look what we have here, honey, a gift from your Aunt Megan!

Bubs: Mom, when did we switch to cloth diapers? Are we hippies?

Chubs: It's not a diaper, sweetie, it's a shirt.

Bubs: Oh. Well it's a lovely shirt... FOR ME TO POOP ON! Go Irish!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Bubs Has a Lovey!

Bob the Duck, who sat quietly in the corner of the crib watching over Sam for the better part of the past six months, is now an active member of Sam's bedtime routine. She holds him tight before sleeping and talks to him first thing in the morning when she wakes up.

Sam is also big enough for her little rocking chair, a wonderful gift from Uncle Rich and (maybe soon to be Aunt?) LA.

And, by request, here is the title picture of Sam and I after church one afternoon.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Bubs In Action: Bath Time

Sam's favorite part of the day is her bath. Here Jeff hides around the corner so Sam isn't distracted by the camera.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Milestone: First ND Football Season

Bubs and I held a dress rehearsal for the 2007 season opener v. GT. That's right, ND opens their schedule against an actual Div 1A opponent. While this season will likely be a tough one for ND, our future domer was excited to try on her new apparel and get into the spirit. Sadly, Jeff does not share our excitement for the up-and-coming Irish. Too bad!!! Go Irish!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Waking Up Bubby

Sam always wakes up with a smile.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Paps in the Bath

Sam hams it up:
The Lip:

Please, no more pictures:

Friday, August 10, 2007


A couple of random videos:

Sam's nightly swing brings out her inner Aretha.

Pictures of the Week

Sammy the bigshot on the couch.

Someone needs undereye cream, and it's not Bubs.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Weekend Pictures

Sam and I have started going on daily walks, so she can relax a little bit. She's so big in her stroller!

Here's Sam enjoying some Zwieback toast:

Ripping off SI, This Week's Sign of the Apocalypse:

That's Jeff cooking dinner! (He cleaned, too!)

Friday, August 3, 2007

Bubs In Action: Pool Girl

Notice how she doesn't move a muscle. She's not scared... she's ENJOYING HERSELF!

At the Pool!

Jeff took the day off to join Sammy and I at the base pool. This is Sam's 2nd pool experience. You won't be able to tell from the pics, but I think she really enjoys it.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Bubs In Action: Chatting w/Daddy

This video is taken surreptitiously, since Sam is easily distracted by the camera. So you'll have to turn the volume up to hear it well enough. My apologies in advance for the snorting.

Pictures of the Week

Here is Sam goofing off on her activity center (and apparently waiting for someone to throw her some beads):

Discovering her feet:

And just to prove I put clothes on her at least some of the time, here she is reading her morning news: