Friday, August 17, 2007

Bubs In Action: Bath Time

Sam's favorite part of the day is her bath. Here Jeff hides around the corner so Sam isn't distracted by the camera.


Anonymous said...

As a trained child psychologist, it is evident that Sammy's life is filled with laughter, giggles, smiles and love............tho this may seem "perfect" to the untrained eye, I envision a "Perfect Storm" brewing in the future. Sammy is amassing a complete history of her life via films/photos and upon her inevitable viewing of said history when she reaches the appropriate age she will be quickly assume that her life was 99.99% "happy, happy, joy, joy". This may lead her to the conclusion, a dangerous conclusion, which is referred to in psychological circles as the "My Stuff Don't Stink Syndrome".......

Anonymous said...

So, I guess Dad thinks you should be posting films of Sam's daily beatings and pictures of the cold gruel she is served in a dog dish for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

MK, "Bibs in Action"? This would be two consecutive posts with typos. Let's go Ms. English Major. I know it's been a while since you've diagrammed a sentence...but come on now.

Kathy said...

I love her squeals. So cute! I love how you guys have to "stealth" to take videos of her. Hilarious. See you tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Can you post a better version of the pic of you and sam in your pink polos? She looks like you in that picture for once and I want to click on it to see a bigger version! So cute.