Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Going on Hiatus

Sam had her six month appointment this morning.

18 lb, 4 oz

I was surprised she didn't weight more.

Bubs and Chubs are heading to Atlanta via Montgomery this weekend (we're bringing Jeff, too). As such, you will not be spoiled with near-daily updates until Monday or Tuesday. Suck it up! I'll have more pics/updates when we return. Heaven forbid this child live 24 straight undocumented hours.


Anonymous said...

I bet you'll be snapping away in while we may have 24 hours without an update, I somehow doubt that Samantha will enjoy 24 hours without the Momarazzi in her face.

Kathy said...

I'm going through withdrawal.... help meeeeeeeeeeeee! : ) Hope the rest of your trip was great and no more tears at big noisy games! See you when you guys get back.