Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We Found It - Sam's Signature Color!

Aunt Emily bought Sam a very stylish outfit for the fall season. And while Jeff thinks it's something Mallory would have worn on Family Ties, I think it looks great on little Bubs, especially the gorgeous sweater.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Weekly Review

Here are some pics and video from this week. You'll have to excuse Jeff's laughing in the video, but Sam is laughing also and I thought that was cute. She's really taken to her sippy cup, though she doesn't like juice in it, just water. I guess that's a good thing.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pictures From a Real Professional!

Sam's six month shots are in! Actually, she turned out to be almost seven months, but who's counting.
Username: queen2
Password: queen2

Here is a sample!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Eight Months Ago!

Sam is quite congested and not in the mood for photos this week. However here are some of my favorites from the early days (good thing we have these pictures, otherwise I wouldn't remember a thing):

Tune in tomorrow when I will have a link to some pictures that will make mine look like crap.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sam Feeds Herself

Concerned she wasn't getting enough to eat, Bubs figures out how to feed herself:

Friday, October 19, 2007

Updated: The Week in Review

The trip started Friday, with Sam not making a peep on the plane, just napping and playing with the Sky Mall magazine (and by playing, I mean ripping it to shreds). That night was spent with Emily and Megan and GG. Pics:

On Saturday, we went to G-Pops for gameday. There was nothing to cheer about, as usual, but Sammy had a nice time anyhow. Megan was in charge and took many pictures, and Aunt Lizzie finally showed up. Pics:

That night, Sam slept with Aunt Lizzie:

The next day was more play with 3/4's of her aunts (brand new Aunt Monica will be there for Christmas!):

Thanks to Sammy's great airplane experience, we're taking another trip in a few weeks to Chicago and South Bend to see the Irish!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chew My Store!

This is just a small sampling of the attention Sam received in SoFlo. Here she is posing for the mommarazzi with her aunts while modelling her Albanian Evel Knievel sweater set. Thank you to Sammy's aunt Lizzie's boyfriend Lulian's brother Ben's wife Klara for the wonderful outfit!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We're Experiencing Non-Technical Difficulties

Bubs and I are back from our SoFlo adventure. Once I get all pictures and videos edited appropriately and uploaded I will post more. However, poor 22-pound Bubs is battling an ear infection and odontiasis. Yeah that's right, look it up. Here are some photo appetizers:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Day With Daddy

Jeff and Sam had a wonderful day together while I was at work. Here is some of Jeff's fine camera work.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

Video Tidbit

A little video fun as we anxiously await the arrival of Aunt Megan!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Whole Banana

Sam ate an entire banana this morning. As a snack. The world's food supply is in jeopardy.