Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sugar High


Unknown said...

Adore the music - who is that? Loved the mobile pic of the cake - yum. Looks like she didn't know what to do with the finger puppets but it did appear that she dug the mouse book.

Unknown said...

virtual mailbox or snail mail mailbox??

MK said...

Snail - DVD en route NLT Tuesday. She really likes books these days. The mouse freaked her out... but she couldn't put it down! So funny... I'll call you tom. The music is Gorillaz... something with the number 2000 in it... good for a workout!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday slammers! i cant wait to see you. ps grandma tried to buy you a florida sweatshirt yesterday. but i told her your momma wouldnt let you wear it anyways. :) can i play with your notre dame soccer ball the next time i visit?? :] ill teach you some cool moves!

Kathy said...

Alright, Mary Kay. I need some video training. This is so cool! Cute b-day stuff... happy birthday, Sam! Fun to see you guys today!

Anonymous said...

I was amazed at how she didn't "gum" her presents! By the way, Sammy, I will make sure your cash account is routinely audited monthly and will let you know if any "IOUs" are found in your cash stash!