Thursday, March 27, 2008

Healthy Samster

Still nursing a cold and cough, Sam received a clean bill of health from the doc and four sticks in the leg! She weighed in at a robust 26 lb, 3 oz and a Manute Bol-esque 32 inches. Both measurement are over the 97% curve cap, and at this rate she will be the tallest, heaviest, and biggest headed person on the planet by age 18. We celebrated her bravery with a triple latte, apple juice, and Rice Krispy treat from $tarbucks.


Anonymous said...

Elmo is a little creepy but Sammers is so cute with Bob! I love how she sucks her thumb and grabs his wing at the same time.

Do you rotate the Bobs or are you going to let her wear one out completely before you bring out a new one? I think you should rotate them, she might reject a fresh clean Bob.

ayn rand said...

To all the Jeff Queens in the World: (I hope you're reading)

Rock your Elmo voices loud and pervy and clear!

Anonymous said...

thumbs up to Sammy...........Bob,nana........didanybody else have a favorite softie?.......i think it is a good thing.....kid says to self: "Tired. Stressed. Let's Chill!!!!!!"...tru dat lizzypf...i like Oscar better.