Friday, July 11, 2008

Your Weekly Dose

Another great week of playing for Sam - she got her first real dolly! Oh, yeah, and she's still not walking. Steps here and there, but no real commitment. She gets it from her father!


Anonymous said...

What a smile! Love the videography! You have a real talent, MK. You could do something with it!

Anonymous said...

this is the best video by far in bubs and chubs history. i love the look back and the headstand thing. how precioussss

Kathy said...

She is too cute - just so cute she makes me laugh! I love the video at the table. And, tell Sam she has a fabulous robe!

ayn rand said...

Oh yes she does have a fabulous robe. Hmm...Aunt Mimi strikes again!

Unknown said...

Eleni LOVED looking at Sam's pics and videos today. She kept screaming with glee whenever we passed by the picture of Sam crying in the bath from last week. And when I showed her the picture of me and Sam together from my visit, she seemed very jealous :) hehe! And when I ask her "Where's Baby Sam?", she points at Lulian's computer!

-Aunt LIzzy

Anonymous said...

Tru dat, MK. There have certainly been more commitments on your side of the family........

The B's said...

Our little Emma didn't REALLY start walking until she was about 15 months old. It was almost like she didn't want to do it until she knew she could do it good. I love Sam's spaghetti faces!!! Too cute!