Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sammy, Sammy, Quite Contrary

Night Shots and Boo Boos

Here's a couple of shots of Sam sleeping using the nightshot feature on the camera (just wanted to try it).

And check out her first boo boo on her little nose. She banged it on a restaurant table this afternoon.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holding the Bottle

No, I'm not talking about what Megan will be doing tonight on her birthday (you're only 19 Megan!). I'm talking about trying to get Sam to hold her own bottle. So I put her on the floor and let her get the hang of it. Sort of.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ask And You Shall Receive

An update by request, and proof that Sam does wear clothes.

Friday, September 21, 2007

This Week

We should be seeing some teeth pretty soon!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Word!

I left for work early this morning before Bubs was awake. I guess she missed me! Listen closely at the beginning!

This is when I came home:

Sunday, September 16, 2007

No Updates Today!

Sam and I are on our way to South Bend for the open tryout! Now that she's sitting up and spending quality time on her butt, she's a shoo-in for the offensive line.

I'm soliciting Halloween costume ideas. No princesses, please. Perhaps this picture will inspire. I'm thinking something Star Wars related:

Friday, September 14, 2007

This Week

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sitting Up!

Sammy's six month photoshoot was postponed this morning. I didn't want her to feel rejected, so I took a few snaps of her myself.

Working on her posture:

Getting some much needed tummy time:

Playing doctor with her new friend! Don't make Bob jealous, Sammy!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Irish May Lose, But Sammy Never Has a Bad Day

Sam had her first college football Saturday at home. Another tough day for the Irish, but we figured as much anyhow. The future is bright, and Bubby is looking for a 2T #5 jersey for next season!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sick Sammers

Sam woke up throughout the night with some congestion and coughing. She wasn't her usual perky self, but still very sweet. She was comforted by her new boytoy (thanks to Aunt Mimi):

Demonstrated improper use of the Boppy pillow:

And modelled the fashion horror that is skinny pants:

Monday, September 3, 2007

Our First Big Trip

Our first trip with Sam since she was about 12 weeks old. Way back then she would sleep for hours on end, especially in the car. Not so these days. The car rides were actually OK. But the rest was tough... so we didn't get many great shots of the game or aquarium.

Here is Sam on the piano:

Bubs and cousin Scout:

Uncle Rich and Scout:

Rushing into the Mets game with her future husband Ben:

Sam and I at the game. We only witnessed, from the cheap seats, about 4 outs of the ballgame. Once we made it all the way from the parking lot, through the stadium and up the ramps, I was glistening. We both originally had on our jerseys, but they didn't last long.

Here is Sam during her first ND game. It was a tough game, and she took it like a pro. Welcome to being an Irish fan, Sam!

This is outside at a pizza place in Atlanta - I just though it was kind of a neat picture.