Thursday, September 27, 2007

Holding the Bottle

No, I'm not talking about what Megan will be doing tonight on her birthday (you're only 19 Megan!). I'm talking about trying to get Sam to hold her own bottle. So I put her on the floor and let her get the hang of it. Sort of.


Anonymous said...

nice form.

Today I put Eleni through her paces on the floor. Her parents never make her lay on her stomach or sit up alone. So I threw down a blanket and some couch cushions, propped her on the Boppy and scattered some toys in front of her. She was soooo pissed at me :)

Then we fed her some applesauce. Didn't like that either. I told her, tough crap kid, life sucks, the sooner you realize this the better.

I should open up a Baby Boot Camp for these parents who just carry their kids around all day...

Anonymous said...

update por favor s'il vous plait