Friday, April 25, 2008

Behold, the Power of Television!

Slack-jawed Sammy watches ESPN highlights on SportsCenter (and other pictures).


Anonymous said...

Sam is totally Sugar's twin. She's even sitting like Mom does, look at the first pic!

And have you replaced the wheels on that wagon yet? Sam must have worn them all out, she's always hanging on to that thang.

Anonymous said...

any red hair in the Queen's Court. Otherwise, thats from my grandmother on my father's side

ayn rand said...

OH BS - anonymous - have ou seen nearly all of Robert's kids and half of Maryanne's grandkids?

OH - is she watching on a couch? DEF GG.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell Sam to stop growing until I get there? She looks like a toddler. WHat happened to my little jaundiced newborn??

Anonymous said...

YO EM!.........where do you think Robert and Mary Ann got their red haired kids I said: From MY GRANDMOTHER ON MY FATHER'S SIDE!!!!!!!