Sunday, June 15, 2008

Au Revoir!

I head to Paris tomorrow for 8 days of sad Bubslessness! Here is some footage of our new hobby, bike riding. Also, Sam and Aunt Lizzie had a wonderful day of bonding - it just takes Sammy a little time to warm up!


Kathy said...

CUTE video! I know you'll miss her... but have a GREAT TRIP!!! Oh my gosh... I'm closing my eyes and pretending I'm going along. Is there room in your suitcase for me? Have fun... sounds awesome. Buy some cool stuff! See ya when you return...

The B's said...

Have fun Mr. Mom :)and enjoy the time you get to spend with your mom. I'm looking forward to mine coming in a few weeks!!!

No, I did not know that I banged on the piano...that must be why I type so hard and loud on the's all beginning to make sense. :) To bad the keyboard doesn't make music while I type...maybe that's good though. Ha!

So...everytime I hear the "In the jungle" song from when you were in Rhapsody and Blue I think about you guys. After ALL these years that song still reminds me of you and I can remember sitting at the table with your parents, mine and the mayor or whoever of Cincinnati or Hamilton...I don't remember. Weird the memories music brings back.

Where are you guys living now? MS? or OK? I'm so behind or maybe just confused! :)

I hope your wife has a wonderful time...I'm jealous...a trip with no baby. Even though I would miss Emma terribly it would be relaxing!

Have fun!
(sorry this is so long) parents have a blog but there isn't hardly anything on it. But it is a link from my can see where Dad works and where they live...I think that is about all that is up.

Anonymous said...

Hey! JQ! Not everyone went to France to get booed. Some of us still want our Sammy jones fix.