Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Best

Sammy brightened an otherwise dreary and rainy morning with her new $68 dress, made even more beautiful by it's sale price of $18!


ayn rand said...


Where'd you get the dress? what a steal...

Anonymous said...

Where did you get a deal like that!? She looks so cute and super girly!


MK said...

Riley's 75% off rack!

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah I've been in there a few times, thats where I got Reese' super annoying sqeaky shoes for 40%off.

Anonymous said...

Oh Mary Katherine...

It's = it is.
Its = possessive pronoun.

Come on, English major! Are you pregnant? Because that is a pregnancy brain grammar error...

MK said...

Dude. I live in Mississippi. There ain't no grammar poh-lice here!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, slow down their Liz! Mary Kay talks more better than a lot of folks!

Anonymous said...

I felt physical pain when I read that last comment. The there/their/they're thing KILLS ME!

Anonymous said...

hey!!!!!!!.....there is only ONE anonymous allowed......better not start using dots.........!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sammy looks like you in the first pic, MK.