Sunday, September 21, 2008

Four Quarters in East Lansing

Q1 Bewilderment - Six straight runs to start the game?!?

Q2 Disgust - Someone please stop Ringer!

Q3 Amazement - That Golden Tate is a monster!

Q4 OMG I think I'm going to puke.

Go Irish! ♧


Anonymous said...

cutiefaaaaace :)

Anonymous said...

When I opened my browser to B&C today, Eleni was on my lap and screamed out "BEEEEEE-BEEEEEE" (baby) and then pointed to the picture of you (the one with Sam near the title of your blog) and said "Liz?"

She loves watching the vids too, get some up already!

Kathy said...

You are so funny. LOL! How was the gym? I hope you got my message. Did Sam miss Ivan and Grant dragging her everywhere? "Walk faster, Sam... can't you walk faster?" : )

Anonymous said...

chubby charlie is too stubborn. no one in their right mind with a "DEVELOPING" O-line does what he tried to do Saturday. Michigan gave him a false sense of confidence. Anyway, the days of shove it down their throats is gone for the most part. Even Sammy knows that!