Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bubs' New Food Craze: PB&J

Grilled cheese has been replaced by PB&J! Yay for me, it is so much easier to make! Here is Sam the Ham chowing down and playing very seriously with her Sesame Street magnet board.


Anonymous said...

i dont care how old you are, pb and j never gets old ... i see that elmo shirt is certainly getting its use hahaaa

Anonymous said...

super cutieface. man I wish I had max's mom's email address, because I would send her a link to this blog so she can see that her son has a little twin living in MS! That first pic of Sam looks so much like little Max it is scary!

Anonymous said...

Hey...........don't forget the Milk!'s PBJ&M

Anonymous said...

The second picture is you, Lizzie!

ayn rand said...

I second Megan's motion about the pj&j. Also - Palin goes down tonight!

Eleni Lynn said...

We need the injury update! Is Chubs on the extended DL or can we expect her back in the next couple of games?