Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Pics!

Bubs had a lovely visit from her GPs this weekend, and was also able to meet Smokey the Bear and Sparky the Fire Dog.

On a different note, in the past month or so I have had three you-tubed videos now blocked for copyright infringement because of the songs I use in the background. I don't know if they're cracking down or what, but the hammer is swinging swiftly and I don't want to lose posting privileges. I'll be laying low for a while on the soundtracks.


Eleni Lynn said...

Precious pics! What did they tell you about your videos? Did you have to take them down? That's absurd, who is policing people's personal videos? They should thank you for promoting their crappy hiphop music for free...

New post at Eleni's!

MK said...

About a month ago they took down the 1-Year video with Prince. I think at that point my account was flagged and now I'm monitored more closely. I actually had a slideshow video up with these pics for about 30 minutes before it was taken down. Damn the man.

Anonymous said...

Can't you just make videos without the music? Maybe you could sing??

Liz said...

Dude, can you repost the 1-year video sans Prince? That's so ridiculous. You're not profiting from the music. BLAH! That Prince song made the video so awesome. Bummer.

Also, can you please post those Paris pics? Or burn them on a CD and mail to me? This is getting absurd.

PS, your hair is really cute, is it shorty short now? and darker? Me likey.

Kathy said...

When were you guys over there? We met Smokey and Sparky this weekend too, for Operation Hero. : ) Sam just gets cuter and cuter. Hope your leg is getting better - looks like it! You owe me a phone call, you know. ; )

Kathy said...

And I just noticed Sam's wheels... watch out. That's the car that ate Mary's finger and sent us to the ER!!!

ayn rand said...

can you say PRECIOUS??

MK you made a keeper...