Monday, November 24, 2008

Incentive Clause

Sam worked her first deal this morning after gymnastics and playtime.

Sam (handing over diaper bag): O-pen!
Me: Are you thirsty? Do you want your juice?
Sam: No.
Me: Are you hungry? Do you want a snack?
Sam (shoving bag in my face): O-pen!

And inside was this:

Me: Oh, that's wonderful, great job Sammy!
Sam: Pop.
Me: What's the magic word?
Sam: Peas! Pop!


Anonymous said...

She should have led with the "peas" and kept the certificate as an ace in the hole. You never know, she might need it to get an extra hour of playground time in the near future...

Anonymous said...

nice! xoxo sammy!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!! I still haven't given Reese a sucker. Does Sam actually eat it the right way...and not choke??

MK said...

She doesn't choke - but as you can see the stick gets pretty gooey.

A lollipop is the only thing that gets us through Walmart without incident (tossing items from cart, opening items, trying to put Bob on the shelf, etc).