Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lite Brite

We took Sammy to Bellingrath Gardens for a little something to do on a Friday night. It was fine, and I suppose there are worse ways to spend the evening, but outside of a few excited WHOA!'s from the Samster it was pretty boring.

We are reviewing the calendar for our trip back to CC in January. Please leave a comment on your availability between the dates 15-29 Jan 09.


ayn rand said...

I'll have to pass on another FL get together so soon, but if you end up making your way up north, we'd love to have you!

Anonymous said...

I switched my call schedule so I have MLK weekend off. So I can come over there or you and Sammers can drive over here to Miami and have a rendezvous with Eleni and her little brother!!! We can go to the zoo or the seaquarium (with killer whales and dolphins...who needs Sea World?). YAYAYAYAYAY SAMMERS

Anonymous said...

I agree with Lizzy........the Cape sucks!