Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Irish May Lose, But Sammy Never Has a Bad Day

Sam had her first college football Saturday at home. Another tough day for the Irish, but we figured as much anyhow. The future is bright, and Bubby is looking for a 2T #5 jersey for next season!


Anonymous said...

Were you guys exiled to the upstairs room so you could drink beer? Did you put some green food coloring in Sammy's formula to celebrate?

Anonymous said...

and why don't you make the pictures so that I can click on them anymore?? I wanna see Sammers up close!

Kathy said...

It looks like her hair has grown in these pictures. cool. Time to start buying those bows! She is so cute - I love that first pic of her. We stayed home from church today... recovering kids. Back to school tomorrow. Miss you guys! Will you be at the coffee on Tuesday???

Anonymous said...

I think my Sam can do better on the o-line than Sam Young........DON'T overdo the bows.....they've dubbed the ND/MICH game the Loser Bowl.......ah well, you can never appreciate the top til you've hit bottom.

Anonymous said...

sammy looks soo cute! she is lookin more like you every day mary. woohooo !! and tell lizzie that sam eats real food now, get with the program. the meals of the day were simply green a gold in color, so lots of green beans and peas and corn hahaa see you soon but not soon enouhggghhh!!!

Anonymous said...

Megan, FYI, just because Sam can choke down a few spoonfuls of pureed beans and bacon does not mean she is off formula. Hope you figure this out before you have kids of your own.

Anonymous said...

to Megs & Lizzy.........I say let Sammy eat cake!